Sussex Hotel Photography
The  Four  Bells
Brighton Hotel Photography
J Sheekey
Sussex Hotel Photography
Brighton Hotel Photography
Langar  Hall
La  Caprice
The  Ivy

Food Photography- my approach.

Like any form of photography food photography is dependent on what is being presented and how it’s chosen to be represented. The majority of my food photography is for restaurants, so as a photographer I believe it important to view and appeal to the audience viewing the photograph. Like most people nowadays I tend to check a restaurants website before visiting, paying particular attention to the images so the overall mood and ambience is as important as the food itself.

I place the dishes in the setting of the restaurant but focus on the food and produce a gentle introduction to the surrounding environment. Other factors I take into account is the colour and texture of each dish and  therefore seek out possibilites of weaving this into further context. I use a mixture of daylight and daylight balanced Dedolights, reflectors and occasionally a chimera. The images here are taken with a Canon Mk 11, 50 mm f1.4 and a Fujifilm X-T2 with a X series 56mm f1.2.

Depending on whether a stylist has been involved I then hope there’s some left over to share!

Offering services as a photographer/videographer throughout the UK


Contact Steve Davies on 07979024250

10 + 5 =

Covering the UK with standard working hours between 8.00 and 22.00 (flexible by arrangement)

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